Saturday, October 10, 2009


My cousin, Julie, who is two months older than me came to visit us recently with her family - the Bonnets. They have 5 kids including the last two who are very close in age to Adrien (Alexis is 6 months older) and Aliena (Romain is 3 months older). It was lots of fun hanging out with them - something we don't do often enough considering that they live near Toulouse and together we form the Southern Enclave of the family. But we don't make it up to the big city very often and they...well...moving 5 kids anywhere more than a 30min drive is surely a major task! Amy and I were feeling like 2 kids was much more hectic than just 1...but Julie reassures us that from the 3rd one on, it actually gets easier. Not that they take care of themselves (I don't know who started that crazy rumor...but my guess is its either the sellers of baby formula or mini-vans)...but they can give each other attention when you are focused on the current crisis. Anyways...we had a wonderful pic-nick, told them all about our current housing stress (that's for another entry...sigh!), and we took a walk through the woods.
(sorry the photos suck...I forgot my camera and the one on my phone is a POS)

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