Monday, September 7, 2009

Week: 3 for baby, 1 for school

We're still trying to figure out how to make this whole new-baby + toddler thing work along with all the other big changes (school, house hunting, new job, etc...). I'm pretty sure that routines are a thing for the future (or past?), but we are managing some normal things too!
The baby burrito is working pretty well to calm Aliena. Amy wowed a neighbor when she wrapped up Aliena and there was instant calm (full disclosure: it does not always work that well). She is trying to get used to the idea that night=sleep time rather than play time....or time to wake my exceedingly light sleeping big brother. She has just recently begun her modeling career - showing off hand-crafted designer knits (made by Grandma-Pam). She's still working on her look...but the screamy child is not one you see very often in catalogs (ahhh, my child is exceptional!). She is also still trying to figure out the poop thing. We've kept up the foot massage technique, and we now have 4 successes...and a countless number of failures. So I guess the jury is in and its now safe to go back to foot-massaging without the fear of a sudden stink. Quite unfortunate for us, of course, but I can feel the sudden sense of relief among the readers (at least the new couples....since the older couples probably gave up on foot massages and/or worrying about stink a long time ago). The other day I mentioned the technique to the old folks who line the bench in front of our house and one of them (76yrs old, no less) responded - "I guess that explains why I fart when I walk!"...boy will she be bummed to hear that her excuse is no longer valid!

We also managed a little outing - a family hike from the house out into the woods. Nice to get outside, enjoy the warm weather, the last flowers of the season, and the many colored butterflies. Aliena slept the whole way, but Adrien managed to walk a good part of the trip and was carried the rest of the way -- that's my postpartum diet plan (Amy has breast-feeding). We're hoping to make this a weekly least for this weekend. But if the weather holds, it would be a shame to not keep it up longer.

Adrien is still getting spoiled with gifts (who knows, he might beg for another sister if this keeps up) and managing the sharing mom and dad thing better and better. Sometimes this comes as one in the same - the Lightening McQueen punching bag was a very exciting gift....and helps express frustration (until it flies back and hits him in the face)...especially when wearing a diaper ( should try it!). He is also managing school -- its a bit hard to adjust, but he has a really nice teacher and seems to be having fun there. I suspect things will go much better in the next few weeks when (we hope) he settles in and starts getting more sleep (please?).

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